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Mission & Avionics Computers

High performance, high-reliability airborne processors, for a wide variety of applications:


Mission & Display Processor (MDP) – VME based, legacy central avionics computer.


Hurricane - VITA-46 (VPX) Based Integrated Modular Architecture (IMA) computer. State-of-the-art embedded computer for demanding avionics systems.
Drives analog and digital video.


VPX Backplane & Chassis – VITA-46 (VPX) compatible 6U backplane and fully military qualified VPX chassis (6 slots), including Power-Supply (up to 450 Watt). Astronautics is supporting VPX computers integrators with Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) chassis, power-supply and integration support. Astronautics provides tailoring and integration support for COTS VPX card, customer designed cards and/or Astronautics tailored solutions. Astronautics may also provide full LRU integration, test and qualification for a mixed set of cards. Astronautics backplane was tested for signal integrity and proven to support high performance signals (1Ge, PCIe etc.).

Advanced processing, Graphics enhanced computer for dedicated applications such as digital map, embedded training, embedded virtual radar/sensor simulation, net-centric applications and onboard airborne networks. Strong processing advanced graphics, Ethernet, ARINC-429 and MIL-STD-1553 interfaces. Digital & analog video interface MAGIC computers are building blocks for Astronautics tactical mission
systems for Command & Control Applications.

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