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Civil-Certified Integrated System

Astronautics is a leading provider of integrated systems for military transports and helicopters.

  • The flexibility of the Astronautics system is demonstrated in several programs. Same basic EFIS display is a building block of a glass cockpit in helicopters, transporters, trainers, civil and mission aircraft.

  • C-130, L-100, PC-7/PC-9, UH-1, Bell-212 and others have been equipped with the Astronautics 6” x 8” (Nickname Badger)  EFIS, FMS/GPS, EICAS (including Astronautics Israel's certified Engine Data Converter Unit), FMS/GPS, Standby Instrument, and a complete avionics suit.

  • The upgrade packages include integration of suitable types of Autopilot/Flight Director (Honeywell's, Rockwell Collins', or Thales'), Radio Navigation (VOR/ILS/DME/MB), VHF/UHF/HF radios, FMS and other sensors & systems, with the flexibility to select suppliers by simply changing configuration files (minor update).

  • This configuration provides civil certified upgrade in a military or civil aircraft.

Helicopter and Trainer fleets have been equipped with Astronautics' Smart displays, EICAS and a complete avionics and mission system.
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